just to help out: Y/F/N :your friends name, Y/F/C: you fav color
You had just finished putting on your makeup when your bestfriend had just come bursting through your door. "Heya, you ready to go to the mall?" she asked you casually. That was Y/F/N for ya. "Mhm," you said, "Let me grab my keys." You two got in your car and started heading towards the mall. You flipped on the radio and a heavenly voice poured through the speakers: Harry Styles. "EVERYONE ELSE IN THE ROOM CAN SEEIT, EVERYONE ELSE BUT YOU," you and your bestfriend sang obnoxiously loud, like you always did. You two sang along until the very end, which worked out perfectly as you pulled into a parking spot. You got out and walked into the entrance. Y/F/N instantly started heading to her favorite store, dragging you with her. You two entered the store and she ditched you to go look at a rack full of shirts. You browsed around until you heard her yell. "Hey, Curly! Come look at this cute shirt!" You went to where she was, but you weren’t alone. another boy was standing right by your friend, it wasnt until you could see his eyes that you knew who it was. it was THE Harry Styles was staring back at you with his gorgeous green eyes. It would have been the moment of your dreams if your bestfriend hadn’t been in the middle of the two of you. "Um…," he stuttered. "I thought I heard someone calling me." "So i take it that people call you Curly too huh?" You asked him. He nodded and ran his fingers through his hair. "haha..um yes, i take it that you get called that to huh?" he laughed. You laughed along with him and your bestfriend finally noticed what you were trying to tell her all along. "So here’s that shirt I was telling you about, and I’m gonna go look ooovvveeerrr HERE real quick," she said. You mouthed a thanks and she smiled and nodded. You looked at the shirt and laughed. It was a sweater covered in cats. "Did you want that?" Harry asked you. "Hmm, ....I don’t know" you said. "If you don’t, I will!" He said while taking the sweater from you. You glared at him. "What? I was gonna buy it for you!" "oh i thought you would just want a shirt with pussy on it......" "HAHAHA nooo" he said with a sly smile as He laughed. You blushed and laughed as well.youand harry went up to the cash register, (queue) and the lady just gave the both of you a wierd look as she rang up the cat shirt,"so i never got your name.. im h-" "harry, yeah i know haha, im Y/N" "Y/N? thats a pretty name." "thanks.." you said as you blushed. harry paid for the shirt than handed you the bag. "well Y/N would you like to grab a bite to eat sometime?" "umm, yeah that sounds great, how about now?" "ha yeah that sounds great." "ok, let me go tell my friend" you walked over to your friend who was 'casually' standing by a rack, as if she wasnt spying on you and harry. "ooh does little Y/N have a date?? huh huh?" "haha shut-up, and yes, do you mind if i go grab something to eat with harry?" "your ask ME, if YOU can go on a date with THE HARRY STYLES? omg just go!! ill call you later" "ok thanks love!" you caught up with harry as he was by the door. "so Y/N where do you want to go?" "umm i dont know... im in the mood for some tacos though" harry looked at you..."really?" "yeah? what wrong with tacos?" "n-nothing its just.... ive never met someone who is so much like me.." "well ill take that as a complement haha" "haha good." so you and harry went to a mexican food spot and ordered 3 tacos each, when you got your food you both sat down at a table far away from everyone else. "harry?" "yes?" "why are we so far away from everyone?""well... i dont want to be bombared with paparazzi or crazy fans..." "ooooh... well that makes sense." "yeah.... so Y/N tell me about yourself" "well what do you want to know curly?" "ha..hmmm....well whats your favorite color curly?" umm... i cant really narrow it down but if i had to choose id say Y/F/C " "oh wow that is a pretty color." "what yours?" "i love orange, but i like purple on a girl" you smiled and kinda looked down 'YES IM WEARING PURPLE!' you thought to yourself. you both kept talking about each other you found out that he was looking for a new house in london, and that you were thinking about getting a flat there too (you both live in london) and also that the both of you had alot in common..... except for who your personality was most like in the boys, you were most like louis... you only knew that because you would keep joking around with him and making him laugh and he said "haha wow you are alot like my best mate lou, your SO funny hahaha" you didnt know how late it was getting or how long you two were talking until you heard the mall saying that they were closing in a few minutes, "ahh well i guess its time for us to go than isnt it?" harry said. "ah,... yeah i guess so" so you and harry both got up and went outside. it was a bit chilly outside and you started to shiver a little "you alright love?" "huh? oh yea im fine, just a little cold out." "here.." harry took off his jacket than placed it around you, it was really warm and smelled exactly like him. harry walked you to your car. "i really enjoyed this harry." "yeha me too, i havent really had a good time like that in awhile, thankyou." "haha well iguess yourwelcom, oh and thanks for the shirt curly" "ha no problem... you know if your not to..umm.. busy if youd umm want to maaaybe grab some dinner or watch amovie some time?" he said as he looked really nervous. "yeah, id love to... umm do you have your phone?" he grabs iu his back pocket.. "umm.. yeah i do. " you grabbed it and unlocked it. "hmm, no password styles? i might have to change that." you said as you put in your number and your name as curly #1, than you pulled up the his notes and typed in CURLY'S4LIFE in it.. then you did one last thing then gave harry his phone back still unlocked. "curly's4life? whats that mean?" "i dont know lock your phone than find out." you said as you tried to get back in your car, but not before harry grabbed your waist and pulled you in for a hug, and a qiuck kiss on your cheek before you left. you got in your car and drove home thinking of your amazing day until you got home, than you realized that you were still wearing harry's jacket, 'FUCK!' you thought to yourself. you felt your phone start ringing in your pocket and say it was from a random umber you answered "hello?' "you really changed my passowrd to CURLY'S4LIFE? haha im glad you showed me that note or i wouldve been stuck for awhile... "haha well i thought it was good, oh and i accidently kept your jacket i promise to give it to your the next time i see you. " " oh well i guess ill have to see you soon than huh? how about tomorrow night at 6?'' "sounds great but what exactly are we going to do?" "its a surprise babe." "haha ok well i guess ill be surprised than" the next day you found out that harry was taking you to a movie, about 6 dates later harry asked you to be his grilfriend you said yes of course, and youve been together for 4 years and each day on your anniversary #CurlyAnniversary is trending on twitter. harry introduced you to the boys around your first year of dating and you and louis are just like brother and sister always pulling pranks on the boys and paul, you once over heard lou and harry talking, you heard harry say how much he loved you and the thing that got you the most was when louis said "well duh, she almost exactly like me... even got the ass and sass to prove it HA." also you and all the girls get along really well especially you and dani, she is always teaching you new moves, as you taught liam how to tango and salsa. so you and harry have had a long and loving relationship for almost five years, and plan on having many more <3
Thursday, February 28, 2013
dirty harry styles imagine
you and liam have been bestfriends ever scince you could remember, he is super protective of you, and he doesnt allow any boy to even get near you, of course that annoy the hell out of you but you there is nothing you can do, he is like a brother to you and you love him. currently your at some posh party with all the boys, they all brought dates except for you harry and niall. 'this is SOOO boring' you think to yourself as you sat at a table with everyone. you let your eyes scan the room to see any other loners, suddenly your eyes land on harry, he was already staring at you intensly, you could feel goosebumps forming all over your body, he was practically undressing you with his eyes. you've always had a thing for harry but of course nothing would ever happen between you two because first of all he was harry 'too sexy for you' styles and secondly because liam would probably saughter him if he ever touched you. you drag your eyes away from him and instead divert your attention to the chattering people in front of you. after about half an hour you excuse yourself and leave to go to the bathroom, you dont really need to go but you really just wanted to get away from all the snobby people at the party. as you leave you can feel a a pair of eyes on you but you dont pay too much attention to it. you get to the bathroom and just as your about to close the door a foot is suddenly placed between the door, the door is yanked open, harry quickly slides himself inside the toilet and closes the door behind you "ha-harry?"you stutter, in comlpete shock ' what the hell is he doing?' you think to yourself, but still you dont want it to end. "you look really beautiful tonight." you can feel yourself blsuh and than look down to the ground, you feel harrys large hand bring your chin back up to where you were facing him, he was only inches away, you could feel his minty breathe hit your cheeks, you look deep into his emerald green eyes, and lust overtakes your body, you bit your lip, than notice harry doing the same. "you have no idea how long ive wanted to do this." harry brings his lips down to your neck going over every spot on your neck until he reaches your sweet spot, you cant help but moan a little at the pleasure, he notices than starts slowly licking your neck sending shivers down your spine, you feel a slight pain in your neck you knew he broke skin and you couldnt contain it anymore, you grabbed his neck pulled him away, than looked deep in his eyes he noticed the longing in your eyes, he put his hands around your waist, and pulled you close to him, pushing you against the wall and slowly starts grinding on you, you could feel the buldge in his pant moving up down inbetween your legs growing closer and closer to where you needed him. you started slowly undressing him, first his tux, than he was teasing you so mcuh that you practically ripped his shirt off, you saw his chiseled tan body breathing fast, and the 'V' line that lead to what you needed, you felt harrys tounge find your lips, it was hot and delicious, harry gripped at your back, and slowly unzipped your dress revealing what he so desperatley wanted, you fumbled with his pant, but finally got them off revealing his massive size sticking up at attention. he started massaging your breast, making you let out a small moan, making him smile knowing he could do that, he starting kissing you with full passion, going down to your neck and lightly licking your sweet spot than he started going further down to your chest you could feel his warm tounge going over each breast, than going down to your stomach and down to you underwear, he slid them off with complete ease, you knew you couldnt handle him teasing you any more, you pushed him against the wall, and pulled his boxers off, making his length smack him on his stomache, it turned you on in some wierd way, he turned you back around, than kissed you wwith complete passion, than grapped your waist and pulled you on top of him, wrapping your legs around his waist, you could feel his length throbbing underneath you, it turned you on, harry bit his lip than kissed you, licking your lips asking for entrance, in both ways, you opened your mouth and his tounge entered you mouth finding every nook and crany of your mouth sending shivers all over your body, feeling his warm wet tounge wrestling yours fighting for dominance, he slowly started grinding you one last time, making you throb down below, you soon felt a giant pain followed by complete pleasure. you adjusted to his massive length inside you, he was pounding you with all his might, making your back hit the wall, you moan right in his mouth making him smile and go harder, he found your g-spot that went fast and hard trying to make you scream you couldnt hold it in any longer than he could "AHHH HARRY!" you let out a loud scream right when you hit your climax harry wasnt to far behind he let out a loud growl right when he cummed inside you, making you feel his warmth all over your body, his pace slowed down and got jagged, before he completly stop but still lighty humped you for a little while longer. you let out a final gasp before he came out of you. you almost fell to the floor when he let you down, he caught you and he held you in a tight hug,both of you still naked, when you got some balance back in your legs you put your underwear back on and harry the same, you both were dressed and you looked at each other with an expression of 'that was amazing', he grabbed your waist and looked deep into my eyes.
"you have no idea how long ive loved you Y/N" "i can say the exact same thing." he smiled than gave me a kiss with passion but not like he did before. it was the start of a beautiful relationship, in all kinds of ways, not even liam could seperate you two. you had always loved harry, and now you knew that harry had always loved you too.
"you have no idea how long ive loved you Y/N" "i can say the exact same thing." he smiled than gave me a kiss with passion but not like he did before. it was the start of a beautiful relationship, in all kinds of ways, not even liam could seperate you two. you had always loved harry, and now you knew that harry had always loved you too.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
niall imagine: long hungry relationship
Imagine you’re suppose to be studying with your room-mate, Eleanor, but she’s too busy talking on the phone with her boyfriend, louis tomlinson."El!" you shout, looking over at her and closing your text book,"It’s our senior year of Uni. We have to start studying eventually."She looks up over you and chuckles into the phone, "That’s my room-mate, Lou, relax." There are some muffled sounds from the other side of the phone "haha hey Y/N you have lou's sarcasim approval.. you should feel proud... even i dont have that yet haha" soon there was a couple of ‘mhm’s from El."Hey [y/n]?" she calls sitting up from her bed, " Want to go to a bar-b-Que?" You are about to keep arguing about the studying, then you realise she was basically offering you free food, which you would never deny."UM.....yes," you say, making yourself more comfortable on her bed."Good, cause there’s someone I want you to meet," she smiles a relaly big smile."Lou?" you ask, nervously. Knowing that her boyfriend was part of your favourite band as a teenager, gave you tingles in all kind of places ;). It took all your strength to not start fan-girling right there."Yes.....and his friend. I think you guys will really hit it off," she mutters sheepishly."This is a blind-date?" you ask her. You were so tired of your friends trying to set you up with guys. It always ended badly... plus they could never keep up with how much you could eat.
"Noo...," she lies. When she realises that you’re not falling for it, she adds, "I’ll take you for ice-cream after." and you can’t help yourself. "Free ice-cream?... hmmm ok im in"
—--------getting ready to go to the party, and finally leaving---------------
You both pull up to a house, and suddenly you’re nervous. ‘Maybe i should have worn something a bit cuter’, you think, looking down at your floral sundress. You suddenly realise that the high-waisted belt makes you look even smaller than you actually are. That may not be the best thing."Calm down," El offers, not even looking your way. She knew you were easily flustered. You tried, but didn’t help that you were about to meet 1/5 of One Direction. You guys get out of the car and head to the doorstep.A second barely passes, after you knock when the door flies open."Hey, Love," Lou greets, leaning forward and giving El a kiss, inside your secretly having a heart attack but playing it cool on the outside. Then he looks over at you."I’m Louis. You must be Y/N. I’ve heard alot. How are you?" He says all in one breath."Nervous and hungry," you manage to let out. You suddenly wished you had answered that question like a normal person or have said 'im good'. Lou and El chuckle simultaneously."She’s perfect," you hear him whisper to El."So let’s find your date shall we?" he says, turning away from you both but puts both of his elbows out expecting for you both to put your arms through them, which of course you do, you all then start heading into the house. He leads you over to the food table... it was massive there was all sorts of food you just wanted to dive in, you started making your way over than el grabs your arm and pulls you back.
"Niall?" he calls, tapping a fit looking guy’s shoulder. 'Niall..... as in Niall Horan?' you asked yourself as you tried not to cry but all that happend was your eyes got real big and you couldnt breathe '[y/n]. Calm down,calm down’ you think to yourself. The guys turns around quickly, his face flushed and his cheeks smeared with bar-b-que sauce, with ribs still in his hands. you slightly giggle "i hope the foods good im starving" "Haha yeah it is" he says, putting his plate down, "I’m Niall." You introduce yourself too, and try not to chuckle at his messy face."Nice to meet you," you add as he comes in for an awkward hug. When you both pull away, you’re blushing too. You couldn’t help but notice his delicious musky sent and it was mixed in with the smell of the chicken and ribs that he was eating.You both stand there, looking at each other for a couple of seconds, until you can’t take it anymore."I’m freakin' hungry," you manage to let out, stepping aside from him and placing yourself infront of the food, "and everything looks so good."You can almost hear the enthusiasm in his voice."Yeah," he places himself next to you, "The wings are so good, like little pieces of heaven." He starts taking some. You laugh."Dude, save some for me," ,you playfully smack his hand and take one of them away from him."Y/N!! it should be the other way around haha" el says from across the room making you laugh He starts laughing as well "so i guess we have the same appitite" "haha i guess" you say as you grab a peice of chiken "mmmm" you mutter into the chicken wing, "so good, It’s like....heaven..I can’t even..... mmmm....," "see i told you" he says.He, hands you a corn, "try this. It’s like dipped in honey or something." You nod and take a bite of it. You chew, and look up at him, smiling.
At some point of the day, you look up and see Louis, looking over at you both with a contented little smile on his face, but you’re too busy laughing about green sweaters with Niall.You were just about to tell Niall about the last time you wore yours when someone taps your back. "Hey. It’s time to go, Hun," she says to you, poking Niall’s tummy. You look around and notice that it’s beginning to get dark. Where did the day go?"Oh," you say softly, looking over at Niall. He’s digging around in his pockets."Maybe I could get your numbah?" he asks, flashing you a smile that had you close to swooning. He takes his phone out of his pocket and hands it to you. "Maybe we could do this again sometime."You punch in the familiar digits. "That’d be fun," you say, nodding and hand the phone back to him.He leans in slowly as you’re about to leave, and pecks you softly on the cheek. He whispers, "I’ll call you later," into your ear. and that was the begining of a long romantic, hungry relatonship..
"Noo...," she lies. When she realises that you’re not falling for it, she adds, "I’ll take you for ice-cream after." and you can’t help yourself. "Free ice-cream?... hmmm ok im in"
—--------getting ready to go to the party, and finally leaving---------------
You both pull up to a house, and suddenly you’re nervous. ‘Maybe i should have worn something a bit cuter’, you think, looking down at your floral sundress. You suddenly realise that the high-waisted belt makes you look even smaller than you actually are. That may not be the best thing."Calm down," El offers, not even looking your way. She knew you were easily flustered. You tried, but didn’t help that you were about to meet 1/5 of One Direction. You guys get out of the car and head to the doorstep.A second barely passes, after you knock when the door flies open."Hey, Love," Lou greets, leaning forward and giving El a kiss, inside your secretly having a heart attack but playing it cool on the outside. Then he looks over at you."I’m Louis. You must be Y/N. I’ve heard alot. How are you?" He says all in one breath."Nervous and hungry," you manage to let out. You suddenly wished you had answered that question like a normal person or have said 'im good'. Lou and El chuckle simultaneously."She’s perfect," you hear him whisper to El."So let’s find your date shall we?" he says, turning away from you both but puts both of his elbows out expecting for you both to put your arms through them, which of course you do, you all then start heading into the house. He leads you over to the food table... it was massive there was all sorts of food you just wanted to dive in, you started making your way over than el grabs your arm and pulls you back.
"Niall?" he calls, tapping a fit looking guy’s shoulder. 'Niall..... as in Niall Horan?' you asked yourself as you tried not to cry but all that happend was your eyes got real big and you couldnt breathe '[y/n]. Calm down,calm down’ you think to yourself. The guys turns around quickly, his face flushed and his cheeks smeared with bar-b-que sauce, with ribs still in his hands. you slightly giggle "i hope the foods good im starving" "Haha yeah it is" he says, putting his plate down, "I’m Niall." You introduce yourself too, and try not to chuckle at his messy face."Nice to meet you," you add as he comes in for an awkward hug. When you both pull away, you’re blushing too. You couldn’t help but notice his delicious musky sent and it was mixed in with the smell of the chicken and ribs that he was eating.You both stand there, looking at each other for a couple of seconds, until you can’t take it anymore."I’m freakin' hungry," you manage to let out, stepping aside from him and placing yourself infront of the food, "and everything looks so good."You can almost hear the enthusiasm in his voice."Yeah," he places himself next to you, "The wings are so good, like little pieces of heaven." He starts taking some. You laugh."Dude, save some for me," ,you playfully smack his hand and take one of them away from him."Y/N!! it should be the other way around haha" el says from across the room making you laugh He starts laughing as well "so i guess we have the same appitite" "haha i guess" you say as you grab a peice of chiken "mmmm" you mutter into the chicken wing, "so good, It’s like....heaven..I can’t even..... mmmm....," "see i told you" he says.He, hands you a corn, "try this. It’s like dipped in honey or something." You nod and take a bite of it. You chew, and look up at him, smiling.

niall imagine #StopTheHate
you and niall have been dating for only 2 months, and you've been getting alot of hate from his fans like "you fithly whore your only using niall for his fame, you dont deserve to live." "you sor fat Y/N why would niall want a pgi like you?" one day it was just to much, and you broke down in your apartment and fell asleep with tear tains on your pillow, and tons of mascara and make-up smeared all over your face with eyeliner smuges running down your face, with tissues surrounding you. niall came in and saw you asleep in bed, with the tear staines big enough to see from a distance, he knew it was about the hate you had been getting. after he saw that he could feel his heart breaking, he had to step outside of the room, he couldnt handle seeing you like that, he went against the wall and he could feel the tears coming down his face, he fell to the floor bareley making a sound, seeing you in pain or hurt... well he couldnt handle that. he left to the flat him and the boys shared, and he just bursted in without noticing the boys and slowly walked to his room,niall slammed his door and went to the bathroom crying and covering his face with his shirt. he walked out and went over to the side of his bed looking outside. zayn and louis were the first to notice him crying, they went to his room, they tried knocking "GO AWAY!" niall said, they both walked in over to him, and then liam and harry followed in behind them, they went to see what was wrong with him. "whats wrong mate?" lou said "i-its Y/N, i went to go see her today and i saw her in bed with tears still falling from her face,....there were tear stains all over her pillow" he could barley finsh the sentence with crying again." i knew she was getting hate messages, but..... i didn't know it was this bad, i can't... i cant stand to see her like this,.... to think that i cant do anything to stop it is killin' me,.... i just dont know what to do." he pulls his knees up and crys into them. the boys knew they couldn't just stay there and let you and niall go through this. louis came up with a plan, he pulled the boys to the side and told them his plan, and than they got out their phone to take a picture of him crying. zayn posted on twitter "to everyone sending all the hate mail to niall and Y/N this is what you've started, you should be ashamed of yourself." and louis posted "to all of you peeople that call yourself 'fans' you should ask yourself how good of a person are you? you've broken niall and Y/N's hearts, is that what you all wanted?" liam tweeted a picture of you and niall and it said #StopTheHate! let niall and Y/N be happy, harry posted the picture, and said "it takes a minute to post something hateful, but it takes forever for a person to forget the pain, think before you say somthing mean." it took niall about 30 minutes to quit crying. but he just sat there in silince looking out into the sky. niall felt his phone vibrate and it said he was mentioned in one of the boys tweets, he unlocked it and saw what the boys did for him, it brought a smile to his face,he got up and went to see the boys "tankyou" he gave them all a horan hug then he went back to your place, and he opened the door. and there you were sitting on the couch, you were cleaned up but he could tell you were still broken. niall went over to you, and sat right beside you, you leaned into his chest, you noticed his shirt and pant legs were wet. "have you been crying niall?" "well..... yes,... i came by earlier and i saw you in da bed, and i-i couldnt take it, ... to see you in dat pain, i went to da flat, and den da boys did sometin amazin" he pulled out his phone and showed you what they did, you havent been that happy in awhile. you hugged niall and than you went to go check your twitter, and there was tons of comments some were even the people that hated on you, most of them said 'i am so sorry Y/N, i was just jealous, you DO deserve niall, im sorry' 'stay strong love <3' and others said '#StopTheHate' ever scince the boys had done that for you and niall, your relationship with niall has never been better, you can go out in public without being worried someone might hurt you or through eggs at you. and the fans really like you now. they even made a twitter account called "(your mashup name)Protection" and if they heard someone hurting you or niall, they would 'attack' them sort of. and now you had a great relationship with niall, the boys and most of the fans.
you and niall have been dating for only 2 months, and you've been getting alot of hate from his fans like "you fithly whore your only using niall for his fame, you dont deserve to live." "you sor fat Y/N why would niall want a pgi like you?" one day it was just to much, and you broke down in your apartment and fell asleep with tear tains on your pillow, and tons of mascara and make-up smeared all over your face with eyeliner smuges running down your face, with tissues surrounding you. niall came in and saw you asleep in bed, with the tear staines big enough to see from a distance, he knew it was about the hate you had been getting. after he saw that he could feel his heart breaking, he had to step outside of the room, he couldnt handle seeing you like that, he went against the wall and he could feel the tears coming down his face, he fell to the floor bareley making a sound, seeing you in pain or hurt... well he couldnt handle that. he left to the flat him and the boys shared, and he just bursted in without noticing the boys and slowly walked to his room,niall slammed his door and went to the bathroom crying and covering his face with his shirt. he walked out and went over to the side of his bed looking outside. zayn and louis were the first to notice him crying, they went to his room, they tried knocking "GO AWAY!" niall said, they both walked in over to him, and then liam and harry followed in behind them, they went to see what was wrong with him. "whats wrong mate?" lou said "i-its Y/N, i went to go see her today and i saw her in bed with tears still falling from her face,....there were tear stains all over her pillow" he could barley finsh the sentence with crying again." i knew she was getting hate messages, but..... i didn't know it was this bad, i can't... i cant stand to see her like this,.... to think that i cant do anything to stop it is killin' me,.... i just dont know what to do." he pulls his knees up and crys into them. the boys knew they couldn't just stay there and let you and niall go through this. louis came up with a plan, he pulled the boys to the side and told them his plan, and than they got out their phone to take a picture of him crying. zayn posted on twitter "to everyone sending all the hate mail to niall and Y/N this is what you've started, you should be ashamed of yourself." and louis posted "to all of you peeople that call yourself 'fans' you should ask yourself how good of a person are you? you've broken niall and Y/N's hearts, is that what you all wanted?" liam tweeted a picture of you and niall and it said #StopTheHate! let niall and Y/N be happy, harry posted the picture, and said "it takes a minute to post something hateful, but it takes forever for a person to forget the pain, think before you say somthing mean." it took niall about 30 minutes to quit crying. but he just sat there in silince looking out into the sky. niall felt his phone vibrate and it said he was mentioned in one of the boys tweets, he unlocked it and saw what the boys did for him, it brought a smile to his face,he got up and went to see the boys "tankyou" he gave them all a horan hug then he went back to your place, and he opened the door. and there you were sitting on the couch, you were cleaned up but he could tell you were still broken. niall went over to you, and sat right beside you, you leaned into his chest, you noticed his shirt and pant legs were wet. "have you been crying niall?" "well..... yes,... i came by earlier and i saw you in da bed, and i-i couldnt take it, ... to see you in dat pain, i went to da flat, and den da boys did sometin amazin" he pulled out his phone and showed you what they did, you havent been that happy in awhile. you hugged niall and than you went to go check your twitter, and there was tons of comments some were even the people that hated on you, most of them said 'i am so sorry Y/N, i was just jealous, you DO deserve niall, im sorry' 'stay strong love <3' and others said '#StopTheHate' ever scince the boys had done that for you and niall, your relationship with niall has never been better, you can go out in public without being worried someone might hurt you or through eggs at you. and the fans really like you now. they even made a twitter account called "(your mashup name)Protection" and if they heard someone hurting you or niall, they would 'attack' them sort of. and now you had a great relationship with niall, the boys and most of the fans.
im sorry- harry styles imagine
‘'IT’S OVER [Y/N]!! I CANT TAKE THIS ANYMORE!!'’ was the last thing Harry said to you with complete and utter rage in his eyes, it felt like he didnt feel anything for you anymore. that was the only thing you could remember. You could feel your eyes opening when a light beamed in your face. You look around in the room all you could see was white, but you could hear a little beeping noice come from the side of you, you looked around and saw Harry .....he was slouched over and he was sleeping on the chair next to the bed you were laying in. "H.. Ha.. Harry?" you said and Harry, using most of your stenght to get thewords out, he jumps up "Y/N! OH MY GOD Y/N IM SOSO SORRY! It is all my fault your here, im so sorry! DOCTOR! Are you okay? DOCTOR!". His eyes were red and puffy, it looked like he hadnt slept in days."‘W-where am I?!?! why are you apologizing?" you saw harry's face fall in his hands, he looked like he was crying, he looked back up "You're in a hospital..... do.. do you not rember anything?" "no.. sorry." he looked horrible, like someone had taken all the happiness from him why did he look like this? is it because of me? you thought. he got up and went to the door and yelled out. " DOCTOR SHE IS AWAKE!!’. As soon as he said that a doctor and a nurse ran into the room they start to check on you by shining a flashlight in your eyes and taking blood samples and other tests that you had no idea what they were. "Somebody please tell me, whats going on?? what happened to me? why am i here? how did this happen?’ you say frantically and very confused. The nurse starts to say "hun.. do you not remember anything?" "no." "well you're in a hospital. you were hit by a speeding car leaving a club. they didnt stop and you were flipped,.... you were hit pretty bad, you've been in a coma for 5 days, this young man over here hasn't left your side." You look over Harry there was standing over in the corner crying, and talking on the phone... probably louis. you felt bad about making him feel that way, but why? why would he do that? especially after the last thing he had said that you could remember. "harry?... i-is that true?" he turned around still sniffling he hung up the phone and he went right to your side and held your hand, he started crying again. "harry...... HARRY! please dont cry." you could feel your throat clenching you knew the tears were coming. you started to rub harry's head, after awhile harry got up and sat back down, right next to you. he slouched down so that he was laying with you. After the doctor and the nurse were gone Harry scoots closer. "Harry... please explain to me. What happen? From the beginning?". Harry nodded, sits back up facing you and takes your hand and the story begins.
"Well we kept having all these huge fight over me drinking to much and dancing with other girls at clubs. All we did was shout and yell at each other. And we shout really, really loud.." "really?" you must have gotten hit really hard because you didnt remember any of this fighting with harry, "but what about how i got here?" he looks down, and sighs "It was dark outside and I was on my to a club with Niall and Zayn. We didn’t talk very much on the way there, as i was having a bad day, but when I was about to walk to the door i saw you, and you came up to me and you told me that if I was going to have fun with other girls to at least put a condom on, than you threw one at me..... that... that just got me fired up, i couldn't control my anger, the boys knew whaat i could do so they tried pulling me back.... when you said that, you started walking off. I ran up to you and....... *he starts choking up* i..... i just started screaming at you, i-i could see the tears in your eyes... but, i-i couldnt stop yelling. I called you really horrible things.. things i knew you weren't. Niall and Zayn ran after me since they heard us screaming at each other. They try to stop us but we kept going at it. They try to call Paul but he didnt respond till 15 minutes later. The fight was really, really bad, and things started to get ugly. Zayn and Niall tried to keep us down. But we didn’t listen to them. the real horrible part started when you slapped me beacuse I....called you a....a slut and..... worthless....." you could see the pain in harry's eyes.... you could feel your heart break when he said that "w-what? y-you called me worthless?" i could feel the tears developing at that point... how could he really call me that? the one that i loved... the one that i thought loved me.... " i....i did, and im trueley sorry, i never ment it..." "just get on with the story." you say as tears fall from your eyes. "After that things just spiralled down, and it.... i... got violent. After about 5 minutes,Paul never showed up, and i..... I'm so sorry Y/N" "what? what harry?....... what did you do?" you had a clue of what he did you just didnt want to hear it from him. "...... i.... hit you..... and you.... fell to the ground.... and i heard a pop... you sprained your ankle" you could hear the pain and sorrow when he said 'hit'. harrys expression went from guilty to complete regret. it was true... the one thing that you couldnt bear to hear... you just heard... how could he...... hit me? Harry stops and begin to cry more. "why?......why did you hit me?" you said trying your best not to sob. "i...i dont even know why...... i just got so angry.... i couldnt control myself....... you dont know how sorry i am." He kiss you the hand and begin again.
"After i slapped you the boys pounced on me trying to get me to back off of you.... . But I hit them too, and they fell back...i didnt even know that louis was there until i saw him go over to you, i got even more angry... i felt like i was even going to go for louis next.... Paul had walked in through the door and saw me, coming at you again, he saw you and the boys on the ground. He runs to me and pulls me away from them and away from you...... I screamed at you that this was over, i looked back at you, i could see you were crying into louis' shoulder, and it hit me what i had done, i tried to run to you, to apologize, but before i could get there you had started to run out on the street..... you were running.... from me...... i had never seen you scared like that before.... and it was because of me. You just ran out into the middle of the street then, we all heard a load horn............all i could see was you hitting the car and rolling off the top of the car to the ground...........you wern't moving, i could see blood...........i thought i lost you.... and it would be all my fault..... i cant even explain what i felt when i saw you get hit, it felt like someone ripped out my other half... i started screaming out your name and ran to you, i'd never seen anyone so...... so lifeless" he starts choking up and starts bawling with every ounce of strength he had into your side... which had a stinging pain but you let him let it all go. you let everything he said sink in..... he was right, you could've died and it would be because of him. you were both hurt and crying at that point you held on to his hand and started rubbing his back, and felt him slightly relax. he starts again "now.......your here in a hospital...............all because of me, i am so sorry Y/N it should be me sitting in this bed not you..........i love you, and i always will, i regret doing everything i did that night, i cant even imagine my life without you... i wouldnt be here if it wernet for you... and you wouldnt be here if it weren't for me....... i stayed every night, and every day praying that you would stay here and not leave me......because.......you are my angel. and i know i dont even deserve you after what i did, and i understand if you dont believe me, but if you stay i promise th-that ill quite drinking so much, i wont go out to clubs with the boys, ill stay home with you, or with liam at the hotels, but please... dont leave me, i prom-" i cut him off, with a kiss......i know i shouldnt, after what he did, but i knew he meant every word that he said. i could see the pain and regret in his eyes.... i believed him
Harry starts to cry again. ‘Harry, love... I love you. I forgive you, and i believe you, but dont blame yourself, this isn't your fault, i shouldnt have said anything-" "NO! you were right, if you hadn't have stopped me, i probably would have gotten so drunk and done something that i would've regreted." hearing those words saying he knew he would do it, made your heart drop. "but i love you, ONLY you, and having all this happen has made me realize that. and i never want to lose you, i will do anything to keep you happy, i hate it when we fight, and i love you." every word he said, melted your heart, you could feel tears coming on and soon the heat of the tears was going down your face " Don’t cry. im here’" You sat up in the bed and pulled harry in as he enveloped you in his arms gripping around your waist, almost tangled in the wires attached to you."I love you Y'N. I really do! You are perfect for me. I really, REALLY love you! I really do, forever and always no matter what we go through, i'll always love you, dont forget that'’ he says looking you in the eyes. "I love you too. even if we are in a fight like that again, which please dont let it happen again harold! i love you'’ you said and starts to kiss his perfect lips, until you fall asleep in his arms in the worlds most uncomfortable hospital bed...
‘'IT’S OVER [Y/N]!! I CANT TAKE THIS ANYMORE!!'’ was the last thing Harry said to you with complete and utter rage in his eyes, it felt like he didnt feel anything for you anymore. that was the only thing you could remember. You could feel your eyes opening when a light beamed in your face. You look around in the room all you could see was white, but you could hear a little beeping noice come from the side of you, you looked around and saw Harry .....he was slouched over and he was sleeping on the chair next to the bed you were laying in. "H.. Ha.. Harry?" you said and Harry, using most of your stenght to get thewords out, he jumps up "Y/N! OH MY GOD Y/N IM SOSO SORRY! It is all my fault your here, im so sorry! DOCTOR! Are you okay? DOCTOR!". His eyes were red and puffy, it looked like he hadnt slept in days."‘W-where am I?!?! why are you apologizing?" you saw harry's face fall in his hands, he looked like he was crying, he looked back up "You're in a hospital..... do.. do you not rember anything?" "no.. sorry." he looked horrible, like someone had taken all the happiness from him why did he look like this? is it because of me? you thought. he got up and went to the door and yelled out. " DOCTOR SHE IS AWAKE!!’. As soon as he said that a doctor and a nurse ran into the room they start to check on you by shining a flashlight in your eyes and taking blood samples and other tests that you had no idea what they were. "Somebody please tell me, whats going on?? what happened to me? why am i here? how did this happen?’ you say frantically and very confused. The nurse starts to say "hun.. do you not remember anything?" "no." "well you're in a hospital. you were hit by a speeding car leaving a club. they didnt stop and you were flipped,.... you were hit pretty bad, you've been in a coma for 5 days, this young man over here hasn't left your side." You look over Harry there was standing over in the corner crying, and talking on the phone... probably louis. you felt bad about making him feel that way, but why? why would he do that? especially after the last thing he had said that you could remember. "harry?... i-is that true?" he turned around still sniffling he hung up the phone and he went right to your side and held your hand, he started crying again. "harry...... HARRY! please dont cry." you could feel your throat clenching you knew the tears were coming. you started to rub harry's head, after awhile harry got up and sat back down, right next to you. he slouched down so that he was laying with you. After the doctor and the nurse were gone Harry scoots closer. "Harry... please explain to me. What happen? From the beginning?". Harry nodded, sits back up facing you and takes your hand and the story begins.
"Well we kept having all these huge fight over me drinking to much and dancing with other girls at clubs. All we did was shout and yell at each other. And we shout really, really loud.." "really?" you must have gotten hit really hard because you didnt remember any of this fighting with harry, "but what about how i got here?" he looks down, and sighs "It was dark outside and I was on my to a club with Niall and Zayn. We didn’t talk very much on the way there, as i was having a bad day, but when I was about to walk to the door i saw you, and you came up to me and you told me that if I was going to have fun with other girls to at least put a condom on, than you threw one at me..... that... that just got me fired up, i couldn't control my anger, the boys knew whaat i could do so they tried pulling me back.... when you said that, you started walking off. I ran up to you and....... *he starts choking up* i..... i just started screaming at you, i-i could see the tears in your eyes... but, i-i couldnt stop yelling. I called you really horrible things.. things i knew you weren't. Niall and Zayn ran after me since they heard us screaming at each other. They try to stop us but we kept going at it. They try to call Paul but he didnt respond till 15 minutes later. The fight was really, really bad, and things started to get ugly. Zayn and Niall tried to keep us down. But we didn’t listen to them. the real horrible part started when you slapped me beacuse I....called you a....a slut and..... worthless....." you could see the pain in harry's eyes.... you could feel your heart break when he said that "w-what? y-you called me worthless?" i could feel the tears developing at that point... how could he really call me that? the one that i loved... the one that i thought loved me.... " i....i did, and im trueley sorry, i never ment it..." "just get on with the story." you say as tears fall from your eyes. "After that things just spiralled down, and it.... i... got violent. After about 5 minutes,Paul never showed up, and i..... I'm so sorry Y/N" "what? what harry?....... what did you do?" you had a clue of what he did you just didnt want to hear it from him. "...... i.... hit you..... and you.... fell to the ground.... and i heard a pop... you sprained your ankle" you could hear the pain and sorrow when he said 'hit'. harrys expression went from guilty to complete regret. it was true... the one thing that you couldnt bear to hear... you just heard... how could he...... hit me? Harry stops and begin to cry more. "why?......why did you hit me?" you said trying your best not to sob. "i...i dont even know why...... i just got so angry.... i couldnt control myself....... you dont know how sorry i am." He kiss you the hand and begin again.
"After i slapped you the boys pounced on me trying to get me to back off of you.... . But I hit them too, and they fell back...i didnt even know that louis was there until i saw him go over to you, i got even more angry... i felt like i was even going to go for louis next.... Paul had walked in through the door and saw me, coming at you again, he saw you and the boys on the ground. He runs to me and pulls me away from them and away from you...... I screamed at you that this was over, i looked back at you, i could see you were crying into louis' shoulder, and it hit me what i had done, i tried to run to you, to apologize, but before i could get there you had started to run out on the street..... you were running.... from me...... i had never seen you scared like that before.... and it was because of me. You just ran out into the middle of the street then, we all heard a load horn............all i could see was you hitting the car and rolling off the top of the car to the ground...........you wern't moving, i could see blood...........i thought i lost you.... and it would be all my fault..... i cant even explain what i felt when i saw you get hit, it felt like someone ripped out my other half... i started screaming out your name and ran to you, i'd never seen anyone so...... so lifeless" he starts choking up and starts bawling with every ounce of strength he had into your side... which had a stinging pain but you let him let it all go. you let everything he said sink in..... he was right, you could've died and it would be because of him. you were both hurt and crying at that point you held on to his hand and started rubbing his back, and felt him slightly relax. he starts again "now.......your here in a hospital...............all because of me, i am so sorry Y/N it should be me sitting in this bed not you..........i love you, and i always will, i regret doing everything i did that night, i cant even imagine my life without you... i wouldnt be here if it wernet for you... and you wouldnt be here if it weren't for me....... i stayed every night, and every day praying that you would stay here and not leave me......because.......you are my angel. and i know i dont even deserve you after what i did, and i understand if you dont believe me, but if you stay i promise th-that ill quite drinking so much, i wont go out to clubs with the boys, ill stay home with you, or with liam at the hotels, but please... dont leave me, i prom-" i cut him off, with a kiss......i know i shouldnt, after what he did, but i knew he meant every word that he said. i could see the pain and regret in his eyes.... i believed him
Harry starts to cry again. ‘Harry, love... I love you. I forgive you, and i believe you, but dont blame yourself, this isn't your fault, i shouldnt have said anything-" "NO! you were right, if you hadn't have stopped me, i probably would have gotten so drunk and done something that i would've regreted." hearing those words saying he knew he would do it, made your heart drop. "but i love you, ONLY you, and having all this happen has made me realize that. and i never want to lose you, i will do anything to keep you happy, i hate it when we fight, and i love you." every word he said, melted your heart, you could feel tears coming on and soon the heat of the tears was going down your face " Don’t cry. im here’" You sat up in the bed and pulled harry in as he enveloped you in his arms gripping around your waist, almost tangled in the wires attached to you."I love you Y'N. I really do! You are perfect for me. I really, REALLY love you! I really do, forever and always no matter what we go through, i'll always love you, dont forget that'’ he says looking you in the eyes. "I love you too. even if we are in a fight like that again, which please dont let it happen again harold! i love you'’ you said and starts to kiss his perfect lips, until you fall asleep in his arms in the worlds most uncomfortable hospital bed...
you have been best friends with the boys from the first time you all met......
it was a rainy day in london, but than again you absolutley loved the rain. you decided it would be a good idea to go get coffee and something to eat. you grabbed your keys and headed to starbucks. you got there and walked right in, expecting there not to be many people because it was raining, when you walked in you only saw a few people maybe 5 or six at most, what caught your attention was that they were wearing onezies, you laughed to yourself, but on theinside you knew that you wanted one. you walked up to the register and asked for a regular coffee, with extra creame and some chicken nuggets *luckily they had a McCdonalds connected with it*. you waited for your order, ocassionaly looking back at the 5 people in a boothe, you started daydreaming about what they really look liked underneathe those onezies. but than you were daydreaming about playing your favorite video game back at home. *you were somewhat of a tomboy so you did alot of stuff like dirtbiking, playing video games, soccer *football*, and other guy things, and you always had alot of guy friends, but you didnt look rough and tough, you dressed like every normal girl would, but you were never shy around guys, they would most likley come to you for advice about girls, because they felt comfortable around you, you only had a few boyfriends, but most of the time just alot of guy friends,*back to the story** you were too busy thinking of what you would do when you got home you didnt even notice that your coffee was already ready, until they called your name "Y/N your order is up." you got up from the boothe you sat at, at the back of the store nowhere near theother people, to try and not to disturb them, you got up to go get your order but on your way there you accidentaly bumped into one of the people that was there, "oh im sorry." "it's fine." the only words you both said to each other before you got your order, once you got it, you sat back down at the place you were at, again sometimes looking up at the other people, but this time you noticed that every time you would look, at least one of them would look back at you, first one wearing a green onezie, than one with an american flag onzie, than one that was grey with some design on it, than one that was complete grey *i forgot the last one* after awhile you were getting creeped out by it, and by the last time you looked up you saw almost all of them looking at you, you threw your food back on the table, than got up and walked straight up to the table "CAN I HELP YOU?" you said with complete sass. the one with the design on it said "i dont think we're the ones that need help, when you walked up to us and started talking to complete strangers miss." he said in a british accent and with extreme sass as well "well,...someoneneeds a happy meal." that made all of them laugh including yourself. than the one wearing the grey suit that was blank said "im sorry, but when you bumped into me i didnt catch a good look of you, and i wanted to get a better one,your very beautiful y/n." "how do you know my name?" "they said it pretty loud for your order" "oh, yeah." "well would you like to sit down with us?" "umm... sure?" you went back and grabbed what was left of your food than sat back down with them. you all started talking and they really liked you, you were just like them in almost every way. you got on real well with all of them, but especially the one in grey. it wasnt anything but friendship, it wasnt a crush what so ever either. after talking a bit it was getting hot, "do you mind if we take these off?" the one in green asked refering to their onzies "no, as long as your not naked underneath. haha" they laughed again, they all got up and started unsipping their onzies, of coursebeing a girl you were checking them out, they were all pretty fit but you tried not to look to long, finally it came to the top half of the onzie, they took the whole thing off, and you got to see there faces. you were in complete shock....it was one direction, the band that would make you scream like the girliest girl in the entire world. you looked at them in shock, than a giant smile started to creep on your face. they all looked at you than each of their hands made their way to your face covering your mouth. "no please dont scream!" they all said you calmed yourself than slapped everyone of their hands away than smiling bursting out laughing.... from that day on, you were best friends with one direction, not the band, but the real people in them. they wouldn't consider you a friend but more like a sister, at the begining, you just told them 'just treat me like one of the guys' and they did, which you loved because they were amazing friends, but sometimes you felt like there was something about harry, but you couldnt quite put your finger on what it was, so you would brush it off........
right now your on tour with the boys, helping them stay down to earth, but latley harry had been acting really wierd, not like he was sad but he would just smile for no reason, or just stare off into the sky and smile or laugh, to be quite honest it was kind of cute, but you were trying to figure out what was going on with him, so you decided to talk to him, to see what it was. you were all on the bus, so it was the only time you could choose. "hey haz." "yeah [y/n]?" "can you come with me for a sec?" "yeah sure." you walk to the back of the bus, where no one could hear you guys. the boys were too busy playing a game, to notice you both leave. "whats been going on with you harry?" "hmm, what? what do you mean?" "i mean you've been acting funny, smiling at nothing, staring of into the distance, you've just been... well happier latl-" it finally hit you what was happnging with him you gasped at the fact you figured out whatit was.. "OH MY GOSH HARRY!!!" "what?" "i know what it is.. you have a crush dont you?" you saw him look down at his feet and kind of blush. "OH MY GOSH!! THE HARRY STYLES HAS A CRUSH, the boy that could have any and every girl he wanted, the one who dated *you winced* caroline....well?" "well what?" he looked kind of defeated. "who is it?" he just kept looking down at his feet. "do i know her?" "yes" "how old is she?" "mm...round your age.." "oh thank god, its not another cougar..... umm... is she a fan?" "i hope so." "how long have you known her?" "umm.. a couples years now." "really? well does she know?" "she's about to." "huh?" you sounded real puzzled you didnt know what he meant by that, than you just saw him look up from his feet , and looked at you, almost the same way he did when you first met, you were mezmerized in his beautiful green orbs, you could see him getting closer to you, you were only inches apart, suddenly the bus hit a bumped and sent harry's lips right on yours, it was soft, you were extremley shoked at first, but sucumed to his charm, his lips were massaging yours making you mezmerized in the kiss, you could feel his tounge licking your lips, asking for entrance, you opened your mouth, and he took the oppriunity for granted, you felt his tounge carressing yours and going in and out finding every open spot in your mouth, and making sure his tounge reached it, his lips were so soft and warm, you didnt want to end it, it took time to actually catch grasp of what was going on...........you were kissing your best friend..... and enjoying. you felt harrys hands find your wiast, you wrapped yours around his neck, and it felt so right. you found out what it was about harry that you couldnt understand...... you loved him, and apperantly he loved you too. harry slowed down on the kiss, you slowly pulled away but were stll close to him. "why?'' ''why what?" he said. "why didnt you tell me?" "because... you are my best friend... and i didnt want to ruin it.........but ive-... ive always loved you [y/n] from the moment you bumped into me." "really? that long?" "yes." "do you want to know somthing?" "sure, love." "ive always loved you too." you could see a smile come on his face, he grabbed you and hugged you as tight as he could, almost knocking the wind out of you, he set you down and kissed you again.. from that day fourth you and harry were together, and the boys knew it would come, and were glad it did....
you have been best friends with the boys from the first time you all met......
it was a rainy day in london, but than again you absolutley loved the rain. you decided it would be a good idea to go get coffee and something to eat. you grabbed your keys and headed to starbucks. you got there and walked right in, expecting there not to be many people because it was raining, when you walked in you only saw a few people maybe 5 or six at most, what caught your attention was that they were wearing onezies, you laughed to yourself, but on theinside you knew that you wanted one. you walked up to the register and asked for a regular coffee, with extra creame and some chicken nuggets *luckily they had a McCdonalds connected with it*. you waited for your order, ocassionaly looking back at the 5 people in a boothe, you started daydreaming about what they really look liked underneathe those onezies. but than you were daydreaming about playing your favorite video game back at home. *you were somewhat of a tomboy so you did alot of stuff like dirtbiking, playing video games, soccer *football*, and other guy things, and you always had alot of guy friends, but you didnt look rough and tough, you dressed like every normal girl would, but you were never shy around guys, they would most likley come to you for advice about girls, because they felt comfortable around you, you only had a few boyfriends, but most of the time just alot of guy friends,*back to the story** you were too busy thinking of what you would do when you got home you didnt even notice that your coffee was already ready, until they called your name "Y/N your order is up." you got up from the boothe you sat at, at the back of the store nowhere near theother people, to try and not to disturb them, you got up to go get your order but on your way there you accidentaly bumped into one of the people that was there, "oh im sorry." "it's fine." the only words you both said to each other before you got your order, once you got it, you sat back down at the place you were at, again sometimes looking up at the other people, but this time you noticed that every time you would look, at least one of them would look back at you, first one wearing a green onezie, than one with an american flag onzie, than one that was grey with some design on it, than one that was complete grey *i forgot the last one* after awhile you were getting creeped out by it, and by the last time you looked up you saw almost all of them looking at you, you threw your food back on the table, than got up and walked straight up to the table "CAN I HELP YOU?" you said with complete sass. the one with the design on it said "i dont think we're the ones that need help, when you walked up to us and started talking to complete strangers miss." he said in a british accent and with extreme sass as well "well,...someoneneeds a happy meal." that made all of them laugh including yourself. than the one wearing the grey suit that was blank said "im sorry, but when you bumped into me i didnt catch a good look of you, and i wanted to get a better one,your very beautiful y/n." "how do you know my name?" "they said it pretty loud for your order" "oh, yeah." "well would you like to sit down with us?" "umm... sure?" you went back and grabbed what was left of your food than sat back down with them. you all started talking and they really liked you, you were just like them in almost every way. you got on real well with all of them, but especially the one in grey. it wasnt anything but friendship, it wasnt a crush what so ever either. after talking a bit it was getting hot, "do you mind if we take these off?" the one in green asked refering to their onzies "no, as long as your not naked underneath. haha" they laughed again, they all got up and started unsipping their onzies, of coursebeing a girl you were checking them out, they were all pretty fit but you tried not to look to long, finally it came to the top half of the onzie, they took the whole thing off, and you got to see there faces. you were in complete shock....it was one direction, the band that would make you scream like the girliest girl in the entire world. you looked at them in shock, than a giant smile started to creep on your face. they all looked at you than each of their hands made their way to your face covering your mouth. "no please dont scream!" they all said you calmed yourself than slapped everyone of their hands away than smiling bursting out laughing.... from that day on, you were best friends with one direction, not the band, but the real people in them. they wouldn't consider you a friend but more like a sister, at the begining, you just told them 'just treat me like one of the guys' and they did, which you loved because they were amazing friends, but sometimes you felt like there was something about harry, but you couldnt quite put your finger on what it was, so you would brush it off........
right now your on tour with the boys, helping them stay down to earth, but latley harry had been acting really wierd, not like he was sad but he would just smile for no reason, or just stare off into the sky and smile or laugh, to be quite honest it was kind of cute, but you were trying to figure out what was going on with him, so you decided to talk to him, to see what it was. you were all on the bus, so it was the only time you could choose. "hey haz." "yeah [y/n]?" "can you come with me for a sec?" "yeah sure." you walk to the back of the bus, where no one could hear you guys. the boys were too busy playing a game, to notice you both leave. "whats been going on with you harry?" "hmm, what? what do you mean?" "i mean you've been acting funny, smiling at nothing, staring of into the distance, you've just been... well happier latl-" it finally hit you what was happnging with him you gasped at the fact you figured out whatit was.. "OH MY GOSH HARRY!!!" "what?" "i know what it is.. you have a crush dont you?" you saw him look down at his feet and kind of blush. "OH MY GOSH!! THE HARRY STYLES HAS A CRUSH, the boy that could have any and every girl he wanted, the one who dated *you winced* caroline....well?" "well what?" he looked kind of defeated. "who is it?" he just kept looking down at his feet. "do i know her?" "yes" "how old is she?" "mm...round your age.." "oh thank god, its not another cougar..... umm... is she a fan?" "i hope so." "how long have you known her?" "umm.. a couples years now." "really? well does she know?" "she's about to." "huh?" you sounded real puzzled you didnt know what he meant by that, than you just saw him look up from his feet , and looked at you, almost the same way he did when you first met, you were mezmerized in his beautiful green orbs, you could see him getting closer to you, you were only inches apart, suddenly the bus hit a bumped and sent harry's lips right on yours, it was soft, you were extremley shoked at first, but sucumed to his charm, his lips were massaging yours making you mezmerized in the kiss, you could feel his tounge licking your lips, asking for entrance, you opened your mouth, and he took the oppriunity for granted, you felt his tounge carressing yours and going in and out finding every open spot in your mouth, and making sure his tounge reached it, his lips were so soft and warm, you didnt want to end it, it took time to actually catch grasp of what was going on...........you were kissing your best friend..... and enjoying. you felt harrys hands find your wiast, you wrapped yours around his neck, and it felt so right. you found out what it was about harry that you couldnt understand...... you loved him, and apperantly he loved you too. harry slowed down on the kiss, you slowly pulled away but were stll close to him. "why?'' ''why what?" he said. "why didnt you tell me?" "because... you are my best friend... and i didnt want to ruin it.........but ive-... ive always loved you [y/n] from the moment you bumped into me." "really? that long?" "yes." "do you want to know somthing?" "sure, love." "ive always loved you too." you could see a smile come on his face, he grabbed you and hugged you as tight as he could, almost knocking the wind out of you, he set you down and kissed you again.. from that day fourth you and harry were together, and the boys knew it would come, and were glad it did....
harry freaking styles
You're at an One Direction Signing in London. You waited for like forever and you can't wait to meet them, but you're so nervous at the same time. You've been supporting these lads since they formed One Direction and this is the first time you are going to meet them.
You don't live close to London but you wanted to go so bad that you decided to combine it with a little holiday. That makes this even more exciting because this is also the first time you go on holiday with only your best friend.
You just turned 18 and your parents gave this as a birthday present. Your almost there, so close to these guys that makes you smile every day without knowing.
"I'm so nervous" You say.
Your BF smiles: "Don't worry I'm here the whole time! but the best thing is: WE ARE REALLY GOING TO MEET THEM IN A FEW MINUTES!!!"
You're both so happy. Harry is the first you see. Your heart is beating so fast, you feel like you can die within a second.
Harry says: "Hi, beauty"
You blush. You can't believe he just said that, you can't say anything anymore.
Suddenly you just say: "Do you wanna go out with me?"
You can't believe you just said that.
Harry smiles "uh I…"
You say: " I mean I thought you just broke up and you just said beauty to me and I see you actually like older woman and I know I just turned 18 and you're 18 but I like older men/ guys whatever you wanna call them and I think that that says something about us, maybe if two people ,who actually like people who are older than them, go out with each other, well I think that might work out but we'll never know until we try"
You can barely say it because you're so nervous.
Harry puts a big smile on his face and looks you deep in your eyes. You can barely breath.
Suddenly Liam whispers to Harry: "I think you should go for it! She's a nice girl and if it's not working out, so what! You've tried it!"
You're blushing.
Harry looks back at you and says "Well you seem to be a lovely girl and I think you might be right, so I would love to go out with you!"
At that moment the security says "NEXT! keep walking you've had your time!"
"Don't you see I'm talking?" you say.
"Calm down beauty! It's alright! security I know we don't have all the time of the world but we're almost done!" says Harry.
You smile. Security "Okay one minute not more!"
"So I see we don't have much time left so we need to finish this conversation fast!" Says Harry.
You say "Wait I'll give you my number so you can call me to discuss it! I'm here until sunday so just call me!"
You write your number on a small paper and give it to Harry.
He smiles "Okay I'll call you! What about a romantic dinner together? Make sure you'll wear your most beautiful dress!"
You just don't know what to say anymore, still blushing with a huge smile on your face.
Security "You really have to go now!"
Harry hands you a little paper. You want to open it,
he says "No! don't open it yet, open it later! I'll see you soon beauty!"
You go to Liam "So you're Harry's next date! That means we'll meet you later if it turns out to be something!"
"Yes if it turns out to something! But I would love to meet each of you personal no matter if it turns out to be something or not!"
You say. Liam signs and put on it: To Harry's next date! You laugh. while he gives it to Louis. He looks at what Liam wrote and looks at you.
"You're dating Harry?"
"Kinda I guess, I just asked and now we're going out soon"
"O babe that so nice! I really hope you can give him what he's been looking for! But don't forget Larry Stylinson forever! So if you're dating Harry, you're dating me!"
You laugh. You also talked a little bit with Niall and Zayn. After you and your BF walk out.
she says "OMG what was that? Does this mean you're having a date with HARRY STYLES??? OMG!!!"
"Yes I guess so, Omg I can't believe it! Slap me in the face now!"
"Why? Why would I do that? For going out with HARRY STYLES?"
"No just because I think I'm dreaming, just to make sure I'm not"
Your BF slaps you in the face
Some unknown man come to you.
"did you just say you're going out with Harry Styles?"
"ahahah no I was just joking!"
And you and your BF walk away laughing.
"Omg I think I shouldn't do that anymore but now I'm being very serious SUPERMAN!!! We need to go shopping! I need a make-over! He likes older woman so if I want to have a chance I have to make sure he's like "woow he's hot" I need to impress him and look older!"
"Oh yeah that's a great idea so what about tomorrow? By the way what about the paper he gave you?"
"I forgot about it! Let's see!"
You take the paper and open it, it says "I look forward to see you again, what about a romantic dinner tomorrow night? I'll call you tonight! X Harry"
"Omg so it's going to be tomorrow! So I need a lovely dress and some stunning heels! And we have to go to the hairdresser and I need to find a make-up artist or something a cheap one! Maybe at a beauty shop?"
"So a manicure tonight? And what about some masks?"
"YEAHH!! We're going to do this!"
The next day you wake up and you feel awesome. You wake up your friend.
"huh What's up? Why are you waking me up?"
"Do you remember yesterday? At the signing?"
"When you asked Harry out?"
"Yes Today is the day!!!"
You're walking in the streets of London searching for the perfect dress for today. Suddenly you pass a unknown shop, you stop.
"I don't know what it is but I have a good feeling about this shop, let's take a look!"
You walk into the shop and your eye catches a beautiful black dress.
"I think this one is perfect!"
You try it in the changing room and show your BF the dress
"This dress is just made for you and perfect for your date! And I saw some shoes which would be lovely with this dress."
Your BF walks away and come back with some stunning shoes.
"They're amazing! Pretty high but then I don't look that small next to Harry! And it's definitely not the kind of shoes you see everywhere so it's perfect!"
You buy both of them and you're going to the hairdresser. You barely recognize yourself after.
Next stop make-up! You walk into a beauty store and ask if it's possible to make them do your make-up and you can! So you show them the dress and tell them you're having a date and they do your make-up.
When they want to show you the result in a mirror your friend says "Wait! I think you should put on your dress first and see the full result! Because you truly look amazing!"
You put one the dress and show up again, they covered a mirror and while you're being nervous they reveal the mirror… you're speechless.
"OMG I feel like I'm in a make-over show and I just did it to myself..
How is Harry going to recognize me? I look like a total different person!"
"You do! You look absolutely stunning! But now it's time for your date!"
You thank everyone and say goodbye to your BF and now it's really time. You just can't believe this is really happening! You're at the restaurant. You walk in and say you had a reservation on the name Styles.
The lady brings you to a separate room filled with candles. You see Harry sitting at a table, looking surprised, he stands up and walks to you.
"[yn] is that really you? you look amazing!"
You smile. "Yes it is me!"
You both sit at the table drowning into each others eyes.
"So you did all of this for me?"
"Yes for this special lady sitting in front of me!"
"That's so sweet! How did you do it? A separate room? with candles and everything?"
"Babe I'm Harry Styles remember?"
you both laugh. So the whole evening you're talking and laughing and getting to know each other. The lady walks in with just one desert and puts it on the table.
"Are we only getting one?"
"Yes babe I thought we're having so much fun and we're having a really nice date so we can share our desert together if you don't mind."
"aww it's okay, I was just wondering!"
After the desert Harry pays the bill and you walk out the restaurant.
"I just want to say that this was my best date ever, better than I could imagine the best date of my life!"
"Did you have a lot dates?"
"No, you're the first to be honest! But I guess this is it?"
"This is it unless you would like to come with me to my apartment?"
"Are you kidding me? I would love to!"
Your walking to his apartment. When you arrive Louis opens the door
"babe you're back! Give me a hug and kiss and everything else!"
You laugh as Harry look very strange at you.
"There's nothing going, don't be afraid!"
"No I'm not afraid I was just think why does Louis need two girls?"
"No he was thinking I would take you away from him!"
You and Harry walk in, sitting on the couch with Louis having fun for the rest of the night.
Suddenly you open your eyes and you see a room you haven't seen before. And you're wearing a men shirt, not being able to remember what happened, all you still remember is your lovely date in the restaurant and being at Harry's apartment.
"Maybe I'm at Harry's apartment!"
You walk out of the room and find Harry in the kitchen.
"Good morning babe I'm making you breakfast!"
You don't live close to London but you wanted to go so bad that you decided to combine it with a little holiday. That makes this even more exciting because this is also the first time you go on holiday with only your best friend.
You just turned 18 and your parents gave this as a birthday present. Your almost there, so close to these guys that makes you smile every day without knowing.
"I'm so nervous" You say.
Your BF smiles: "Don't worry I'm here the whole time! but the best thing is: WE ARE REALLY GOING TO MEET THEM IN A FEW MINUTES!!!"
You're both so happy. Harry is the first you see. Your heart is beating so fast, you feel like you can die within a second.
Harry says: "Hi, beauty"
You blush. You can't believe he just said that, you can't say anything anymore.
Suddenly you just say: "Do you wanna go out with me?"
You can't believe you just said that.
Harry smiles "uh I…"
You say: " I mean I thought you just broke up and you just said beauty to me and I see you actually like older woman and I know I just turned 18 and you're 18 but I like older men/ guys whatever you wanna call them and I think that that says something about us, maybe if two people ,who actually like people who are older than them, go out with each other, well I think that might work out but we'll never know until we try"
You can barely say it because you're so nervous.
Harry puts a big smile on his face and looks you deep in your eyes. You can barely breath.
Suddenly Liam whispers to Harry: "I think you should go for it! She's a nice girl and if it's not working out, so what! You've tried it!"
You're blushing.
Harry looks back at you and says "Well you seem to be a lovely girl and I think you might be right, so I would love to go out with you!"
At that moment the security says "NEXT! keep walking you've had your time!"
"Don't you see I'm talking?" you say.
"Calm down beauty! It's alright! security I know we don't have all the time of the world but we're almost done!" says Harry.
You smile. Security "Okay one minute not more!"
"So I see we don't have much time left so we need to finish this conversation fast!" Says Harry.
You say "Wait I'll give you my number so you can call me to discuss it! I'm here until sunday so just call me!"
You write your number on a small paper and give it to Harry.
He smiles "Okay I'll call you! What about a romantic dinner together? Make sure you'll wear your most beautiful dress!"
You just don't know what to say anymore, still blushing with a huge smile on your face.
Security "You really have to go now!"
Harry hands you a little paper. You want to open it,
he says "No! don't open it yet, open it later! I'll see you soon beauty!"
You go to Liam "So you're Harry's next date! That means we'll meet you later if it turns out to be something!"
"Yes if it turns out to something! But I would love to meet each of you personal no matter if it turns out to be something or not!"
You say. Liam signs and put on it: To Harry's next date! You laugh. while he gives it to Louis. He looks at what Liam wrote and looks at you.
"You're dating Harry?"
"Kinda I guess, I just asked and now we're going out soon"
"O babe that so nice! I really hope you can give him what he's been looking for! But don't forget Larry Stylinson forever! So if you're dating Harry, you're dating me!"
You laugh. You also talked a little bit with Niall and Zayn. After you and your BF walk out.
she says "OMG what was that? Does this mean you're having a date with HARRY STYLES??? OMG!!!"
"Yes I guess so, Omg I can't believe it! Slap me in the face now!"
"Why? Why would I do that? For going out with HARRY STYLES?"
"No just because I think I'm dreaming, just to make sure I'm not"
Your BF slaps you in the face
Some unknown man come to you.
"did you just say you're going out with Harry Styles?"
"ahahah no I was just joking!"
And you and your BF walk away laughing.
"Omg I think I shouldn't do that anymore but now I'm being very serious SUPERMAN!!! We need to go shopping! I need a make-over! He likes older woman so if I want to have a chance I have to make sure he's like "woow he's hot" I need to impress him and look older!"
"Oh yeah that's a great idea so what about tomorrow? By the way what about the paper he gave you?"
"I forgot about it! Let's see!"
You take the paper and open it, it says "I look forward to see you again, what about a romantic dinner tomorrow night? I'll call you tonight! X Harry"
"Omg so it's going to be tomorrow! So I need a lovely dress and some stunning heels! And we have to go to the hairdresser and I need to find a make-up artist or something a cheap one! Maybe at a beauty shop?"
"So a manicure tonight? And what about some masks?"
"YEAHH!! We're going to do this!"
The next day you wake up and you feel awesome. You wake up your friend.
"huh What's up? Why are you waking me up?"
"Do you remember yesterday? At the signing?"
"When you asked Harry out?"
"Yes Today is the day!!!"
You're walking in the streets of London searching for the perfect dress for today. Suddenly you pass a unknown shop, you stop.
"I don't know what it is but I have a good feeling about this shop, let's take a look!"
You walk into the shop and your eye catches a beautiful black dress.
"I think this one is perfect!"
You try it in the changing room and show your BF the dress
"This dress is just made for you and perfect for your date! And I saw some shoes which would be lovely with this dress."
Your BF walks away and come back with some stunning shoes.
"They're amazing! Pretty high but then I don't look that small next to Harry! And it's definitely not the kind of shoes you see everywhere so it's perfect!"
You buy both of them and you're going to the hairdresser. You barely recognize yourself after.
Next stop make-up! You walk into a beauty store and ask if it's possible to make them do your make-up and you can! So you show them the dress and tell them you're having a date and they do your make-up.
When they want to show you the result in a mirror your friend says "Wait! I think you should put on your dress first and see the full result! Because you truly look amazing!"
You put one the dress and show up again, they covered a mirror and while you're being nervous they reveal the mirror… you're speechless.
"OMG I feel like I'm in a make-over show and I just did it to myself..
How is Harry going to recognize me? I look like a total different person!"
"You do! You look absolutely stunning! But now it's time for your date!"
You thank everyone and say goodbye to your BF and now it's really time. You just can't believe this is really happening! You're at the restaurant. You walk in and say you had a reservation on the name Styles.
The lady brings you to a separate room filled with candles. You see Harry sitting at a table, looking surprised, he stands up and walks to you.
"[yn] is that really you? you look amazing!"
You smile. "Yes it is me!"
You both sit at the table drowning into each others eyes.
"So you did all of this for me?"
"Yes for this special lady sitting in front of me!"
"That's so sweet! How did you do it? A separate room? with candles and everything?"
"Babe I'm Harry Styles remember?"
you both laugh. So the whole evening you're talking and laughing and getting to know each other. The lady walks in with just one desert and puts it on the table.
"Are we only getting one?"
"Yes babe I thought we're having so much fun and we're having a really nice date so we can share our desert together if you don't mind."
"aww it's okay, I was just wondering!"
After the desert Harry pays the bill and you walk out the restaurant.
"I just want to say that this was my best date ever, better than I could imagine the best date of my life!"
"Did you have a lot dates?"
"No, you're the first to be honest! But I guess this is it?"
"This is it unless you would like to come with me to my apartment?"
"Are you kidding me? I would love to!"
Your walking to his apartment. When you arrive Louis opens the door
"babe you're back! Give me a hug and kiss and everything else!"
You laugh as Harry look very strange at you.
"There's nothing going, don't be afraid!"
"No I'm not afraid I was just think why does Louis need two girls?"
"No he was thinking I would take you away from him!"
You and Harry walk in, sitting on the couch with Louis having fun for the rest of the night.
Suddenly you open your eyes and you see a room you haven't seen before. And you're wearing a men shirt, not being able to remember what happened, all you still remember is your lovely date in the restaurant and being at Harry's apartment.
"Maybe I'm at Harry's apartment!"
You walk out of the room and find Harry in the kitchen.
"Good morning babe I'm making you breakfast!"
You wake up to the smell of pancake coming from downstairs. You sleepily get out of bed and make your way to the kitchen, when you see your boyfriend of two years, Harry, casually making breakfast in his pj’s. Which also meant that he was walking around the flat commando. "You couldn’t even have the decency to put on boxers before you made breakfast?" you laugh at him, not even minding the slightest. "You know me, Y/N. I feel more free this way! And besides, you know you like it," he says giving you a smirk and a wink. You roll your eyes at him and kiss him on the cheek. You sit down while he finishes making the pancakes. You sit and eat breakfast together. He then gets up and gives you a kiss on the cheek. "Go and get ready. I have a surprise for you!" "Do I get to know what this surprise is?" you ask. He shakes his head. "Of course not, love. That’s why it’s called a surprise!" he says and kisses you quickly. You sigh, knowing it’s better not to argue, but you had to admit, you were excited for this surprise. Harry was always coming up with sweet romantic gestures. Once you are all ready, you walk downstairs and notice Harry already by the door. "Ready, sweetheart?" he asks. You nod and smile. You two leave and you notice he’s taken you to the park. You get confused but don’t question it. He takes your hand and walks to a nearby tree. "Do you know what this place is?" he asks. "The park?" "Yes, but it is also the first place I saw you. We met right here under this tree. This tree is also the place that we shared our first kiss. And I want it to be the place of something else as well." He gets down on one knee and your hand flies to your mouth. He pulls out the most gorgeous ring and says, "Y/N, I have loved you since the moment I met you and I can’t see my life without you in it. Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" You are so speechless that all you can do is nod and smile. He puts the ring on your finger, and kisses you passionately under the most special place in the world.
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