Thursday, February 28, 2013

harry styles imagine

just to help out: Y/F/N :your friends name, Y/F/C: you fav color

You had just finished putting on your makeup when your bestfriend had just come bursting through your door. "Heya, you ready to go to the mall?" she asked you casually. That was Y/F/N for ya. "Mhm," you said, "Let me grab my keys." You two got in your car and started heading towards the mall. You flipped on the radio and a heavenly voice poured through the speakers: Harry Styles. "EVERYONE ELSE IN THE ROOM CAN SEEIT, EVERYONE ELSE BUT YOU," you and your bestfriend sang obnoxiously loud, like you always did. You two sang along until the very end, which worked out perfectly as you pulled into a parking spot. You got out and walked into the entrance. Y/F/N instantly started heading to her favorite store, dragging you with her. You two entered the store and she ditched you to go look at a rack full of shirts. You browsed around until you heard her yell. "Hey, Curly! Come look at this cute shirt!" You went to where she was, but you weren’t alone. another boy was standing right by your friend, it wasnt until you could see his eyes that you knew who it was. it was THE Harry Styles was staring back at you with his gorgeous green eyes. It would have been the moment of your dreams if your bestfriend hadn’t been in the middle of the two of you. "Um…," he stuttered. "I thought I heard someone calling me." "So i take it that people call you Curly too huh?" You asked him. He nodded and ran his fingers through his hair. " yes, i take it that you get called that to huh?" he laughed. You laughed along with him and your bestfriend finally noticed what you were trying to tell her all along. "So here’s that shirt I was telling you about, and I’m gonna go look ooovvveeerrr HERE real quick," she said. You mouthed a thanks and she smiled and nodded. You looked at the shirt and laughed. It was a sweater covered in cats. "Did you want that?" Harry asked you. "Hmm, ....I don’t know" you said. "If you don’t, I will!" He said while taking the sweater from you. You glared at him. "What? I was gonna buy it for you!" "oh i thought you would just want a shirt with pussy on it......" "HAHAHA nooo" he said with a sly smile as He laughed. You blushed and laughed as well.youand harry went up to the cash register, (queue) and the lady just gave the both of you a wierd look as she rang up the cat shirt,"so i never got your name.. im h-" "harry, yeah i know haha, im Y/N" "Y/N? thats a pretty name." "thanks.." you said as you blushed. harry paid for the shirt than handed you the bag. "well Y/N would you like to grab a bite to eat sometime?" "umm, yeah that sounds great, how about now?" "ha yeah that sounds great." "ok, let me go tell my friend" you walked over to your friend who was 'casually' standing by a rack, as if she wasnt spying on you and harry. "ooh does little Y/N have a date?? huh huh?" "haha shut-up, and yes, do you mind if i go grab something to eat with harry?" "your ask ME, if YOU can go on a date with THE HARRY STYLES? omg just go!! ill call you later" "ok thanks love!" you caught up with harry as he was by the door. "so Y/N where do you want to go?" "umm i dont know... im in the mood for some tacos though" harry looked at you..."really?" "yeah? what wrong with tacos?" "n-nothing its just.... ive never met someone who is so much like me.." "well ill take that as a complement haha" "haha good." so you and harry went to a mexican food spot and ordered 3 tacos each, when you got your food you both sat down at a table far away from everyone else. "harry?" "yes?" "why are we so far away from everyone?""well... i dont want to be bombared with paparazzi or crazy fans..." "ooooh... well that makes sense." "yeah.... so Y/N tell me about yourself" "well what do you want to know curly?" "ha..hmmm....well whats your favorite color curly?" umm... i cant really narrow it down but if i had to choose id say Y/F/C " "oh wow that is a pretty color." "what yours?" "i love orange, but i like purple on a girl" you smiled and kinda looked down 'YES IM WEARING PURPLE!' you thought to yourself. you both kept talking about each other you found out that he was looking for a new house in london, and that you were thinking about getting a flat there too (you both live in london) and also that the both of you had alot in common..... except for who your personality was most like in the boys, you were most like louis... you only knew that because you would keep joking around with him and making him laugh and he said "haha wow you are alot like my best mate lou, your SO funny hahaha" you didnt know how late it was getting or how long you two were talking until you heard the mall saying that they were closing in a few minutes, "ahh well i guess its time for us to go than isnt it?" harry said. "ah,... yeah i guess so" so you and harry both got up and went outside. it was a bit chilly outside and you started to shiver a little "you alright love?" "huh? oh yea im fine, just a little cold out." "here.." harry took off his jacket than placed it around you, it was really warm and smelled exactly like him. harry walked you to your car. "i really enjoyed this harry." "yeha me too, i havent really had a good time like that in awhile, thankyou." "haha well iguess yourwelcom, oh and thanks for the shirt curly" "ha no problem... you know if your not to..umm.. busy if youd umm want to maaaybe grab some dinner or watch amovie some time?" he said as he looked really nervous. "yeah, id love to... umm do you have your phone?" he grabs iu his back pocket.. "umm.. yeah i do. " you grabbed it and unlocked it. "hmm, no password styles? i might have to change that." you said as you put in your number and your name as curly #1, than you pulled up the his notes and typed in CURLY'S4LIFE in it.. then you did one last thing then gave harry his phone back still unlocked. "curly's4life? whats that mean?" "i dont know lock your phone than find out." you said as you tried to get back in your car, but not before harry grabbed your waist and pulled you in for a hug, and a qiuck kiss on your cheek before you left. you got in your car and drove home thinking of your amazing day until you got home, than you realized that you were still wearing harry's jacket, 'FUCK!' you thought to yourself. you felt your phone start ringing in your pocket and say it was from a random umber you answered "hello?' "you really changed my passowrd to CURLY'S4LIFE? haha im glad you showed me that note or i wouldve been stuck for awhile... "haha well i thought it was good, oh and i accidently kept your jacket i promise to give it to your the next time i see you. " " oh well i guess ill have to see you soon than huh? how about tomorrow night at 6?'' "sounds great but what exactly are we going to do?" "its a surprise babe." "haha ok well i guess ill be surprised than" the next day you found out that harry was taking you to a movie, about 6 dates later harry asked you to be his grilfriend you said yes of course, and youve been together for 4 years and each day on your anniversary #CurlyAnniversary is trending on twitter. harry introduced you to the boys around your first year of dating and you and louis are just like brother and sister always pulling pranks on the boys and paul, you once over heard lou and harry talking, you heard harry say how much he loved you and the thing that got you the most was when louis said "well duh, she almost exactly like me... even got the ass and sass to prove it HA." also you and all the girls get along really well especially you and dani, she is always teaching you new moves, as you taught liam how to tango and salsa. so you and harry have had a long and loving relationship for almost five years, and plan on having many more <3

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