Wednesday, February 27, 2013

niall imagine #StopTheHate


you and niall have been dating for only 2 months, and you've been getting alot of hate from his fans like "you fithly whore your only using niall for his fame, you dont deserve to live." "you sor fat Y/N why would niall want a pgi like you?" one day it was just to much, and you broke down in your apartment and fell asleep with tear tains on your pillow, and tons of mascara and make-up smeared all over your face with eyeliner smuges running down your face, with tissues surrounding you. niall came in and saw you asleep in bed, with the tear staines big enough to see from a distance, he knew it was about the hate you had been getting. after he saw that he could feel his heart breaking, he had to step outside of the room, he couldnt handle seeing you like that, he went against the wall and he could feel the tears coming down his face, he fell to the floor bareley making a sound, seeing you in pain or hurt... well he couldnt handle that. he left to the flat him and the boys shared, and he just bursted in without noticing the boys and slowly walked to his room,niall slammed his door and went to the bathroom crying and covering his face with his shirt. he walked out and went over to the side of his bed looking outside. zayn and louis were the first to notice him crying, they went to his room, they tried knocking "GO AWAY!" niall said, they both walked in over to him, and then liam and harry followed in behind them, they went to see what was wrong with him. "whats wrong mate?" lou said "i-its Y/N, i went to go see her today and i saw her in bed with tears still falling from her face,....there were tear stains all over her pillow" he could barley finsh the sentence with crying again." i knew she was getting hate messages, but..... i didn't know it was this bad, i can't... i cant stand to see her like this,.... to think that i cant do anything to stop it is killin' me,.... i just dont know what to do." he pulls his knees up and crys into them. the boys knew they couldn't just stay there and let you and niall go through this. louis came up with a plan, he pulled the boys to the side and told them his plan, and than they got out their phone to take a picture of him crying. zayn posted on twitter "to everyone sending all the hate mail to niall and Y/N this is what you've started, you should be ashamed of yourself." and louis posted "to all of you peeople that call yourself 'fans' you should ask yourself how good of a person are you? you've broken niall and Y/N's hearts, is that what you all wanted?" liam tweeted a picture of you and niall and it said #StopTheHate! let niall and Y/N be happy, harry posted the picture, and said "it takes a minute to post something hateful, but it takes forever for a person to forget the pain, think before you say somthing mean." it took niall about 30 minutes to quit crying. but he just sat there in silince looking out into the sky. niall felt his phone vibrate and it said he was mentioned in one of the boys tweets, he unlocked it and saw what the boys did for him, it brought a smile to his face,he got up and went to see the boys "tankyou" he gave them all a horan hug then he went back to your place, and he opened the door. and there you were sitting on the couch, you were cleaned up but he could tell you were still broken. niall went over to you, and sat right beside you, you leaned into his chest, you noticed his shirt and pant legs were wet. "have you been crying niall?" "well..... yes,... i came by earlier and i saw you in da bed, and i-i couldnt take it, ... to see you in dat pain, i went to da flat, and den da boys did sometin amazin" he pulled out his phone and showed you what they did, you havent been that happy in awhile. you hugged niall and than you went to go check your twitter, and there was tons of comments some were even the people that hated on you, most of them said 'i am so sorry Y/N, i was just jealous, you DO deserve niall, im sorry' 'stay strong love <3' and others said '#StopTheHate' ever scince the boys had done that for you and niall, your relationship with niall has never been better, you can go out in public without being worried someone might hurt you or through eggs at you. and the fans really like you now. they even made a twitter account called "(your mashup name)Protection" and if they heard someone hurting you or niall, they would 'attack' them sort of. and now you had a great relationship with niall, the boys and most of the fans.

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