Wednesday, February 27, 2013

niall imagine: long hungry relationship

Imagine you’re suppose to be studying with your room-mate, Eleanor, but she’s too busy talking on the phone with her boyfriend, louis tomlinson."El!" you shout, looking over at her and closing your text book,"It’s our senior year of Uni. We have to start studying eventually."She looks up over you and chuckles into the phone, "That’s my room-mate, Lou, relax." There are some muffled sounds from the other side of the phone "haha hey Y/N you have lou's sarcasim approval.. you should feel proud... even i dont have that yet haha" soon there was a couple of ‘mhm’s from El."Hey [y/n]?" she calls sitting up from her bed, " Want to go to a bar-b-Que?" You are about to keep arguing about the studying, then you realise she was basically offering you free food, which you would never deny."UM.....yes," you say, making yourself more comfortable on her bed."Good, cause there’s someone I want you to meet," she smiles a relaly big smile."Lou?" you ask, nervously. Knowing that her boyfriend was part of your favourite band as a teenager, gave you tingles in all kind of places ;). It took all your strength to not start fan-girling right there."Yes.....and his friend. I think you guys will really hit it off," she mutters sheepishly."This is a blind-date?" you ask her. You were so tired of your friends trying to set you up with guys. It always ended badly... plus they could never keep up with how much you could eat.

"Noo...," she lies. When she realises that you’re not falling for it, she adds, "I’ll take you for ice-cream after." and you can’t help yourself. "Free ice-cream?... hmmm ok im in"

—--------getting ready to go to the party, and finally leaving---------------

You both pull up to a house, and suddenly you’re nervous. ‘Maybe i should have worn something a bit cuter’, you think, looking down at your floral sundress. You suddenly realise that the high-waisted belt makes you look even smaller than you actually are. That may not be the best thing."Calm down," El offers, not even looking your way. She knew you were easily flustered. You tried, but didn’t help that you were about to meet 1/5 of One Direction. You guys get out of the car and head to the doorstep.A second barely passes, after you knock when the door flies open."Hey, Love," Lou greets, leaning forward and giving El a kiss, inside your secretly having a heart attack but playing it cool on the outside. Then he looks over at you."I’m Louis. You must be Y/N. I’ve heard alot. How are you?" He says all in one breath."Nervous and hungry," you manage to let out. You suddenly wished you had answered that question like a normal person or have said 'im good'. Lou and El chuckle simultaneously."She’s perfect," you hear him whisper to El."So let’s find your date shall we?" he says, turning away from you both but puts both of his elbows out expecting for you both to put your arms through them, which of course you do, you all then start heading into the house. He leads you over to the food table... it was massive there was all sorts of food you just wanted to dive in, you started making your way over than el grabs your arm and pulls you back.

"Niall?" he calls, tapping a fit looking guy’s shoulder. 'Niall..... as in Niall Horan?' you asked yourself as you tried not to cry but all that happend was your eyes got real big and you couldnt breathe '[y/n]. Calm down,calm down’ you think to yourself. The guys turns around quickly, his face flushed and his cheeks smeared with bar-b-que sauce, with ribs still in his hands. you slightly giggle "i hope the foods good im starving" "Haha yeah it is" he says, putting his plate down, "I’m Niall." You introduce yourself too, and try not to chuckle at his messy face."Nice to meet you," you add as he comes in for an awkward hug. When you both pull away, you’re blushing too. You couldn’t help but notice his delicious musky sent and it was mixed in with the smell of the chicken and ribs that he was eating.You both stand there, looking at each other for a couple of seconds, until you can’t take it anymore."I’m freakin' hungry," you manage to let out, stepping aside from him and placing yourself infront of the food, "and everything looks so good."You can almost hear the enthusiasm in his voice."Yeah," he places himself next to you, "The wings are so good, like little pieces of heaven." He starts taking some. You laugh."Dude, save some for me," ,you playfully smack his hand and take one of them away from him."Y/N!! it should be the other way around haha" el says from across the room making you laugh He starts laughing as well "so i guess we have the same appitite" "haha i guess" you say as you grab a peice of chiken "mmmm" you mutter into the chicken wing, "so good, It’s like....heaven..I can’t even..... mmmm....," "see i told you" he says.He, hands you a corn, "try this. It’s like dipped in honey or something." You nod and take a bite of it. You chew, and look up at him, smiling.

At some point of the day, you look up and see Louis, looking over at you both with a contented little smile on his face, but you’re too busy laughing about green sweaters with Niall.You were just about to tell Niall about the last time you wore yours when someone taps your back. "Hey. It’s time to go, Hun," she says to you, poking Niall’s tummy. You look around and notice that it’s beginning to get dark. Where did the day go?"Oh," you say softly, looking over at Niall. He’s digging around in his pockets."Maybe I could get your numbah?" he asks, flashing you a smile that had you close to swooning. He takes his phone out of his pocket and hands it to you. "Maybe we could do this again sometime."You punch in the familiar digits. "That’d be fun," you say, nodding and hand the phone back to him.He leans in slowly as you’re about to leave, and pecks you softly on the cheek. He whispers, "I’ll call you later," into your ear. and that was the begining of a long romantic, hungry relatonship..

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